Sunday, September 6, 2015


This summer is coming to an end and while we had some really great experiences over the last few months I'm excited to see it go! I always look forward to the cooler weather and the coziness that comes along with it. The end of summer also means the start  of school again! Im excited, eager, nervous, grateful, unsure and confident all at the same time. Preschool at home was kind of a trial for us and we ultimatley made the decision to jump in and continue with school at home. It definitely isn't a decision we came to lightly, but decided that its the best for all of us! But I'll get into that later, and leave you with a bit of our Friday night (a typical one around these parts)!

Their favorite way to go down the side together....
Which usually ends like this. And they think its hilarious.

Rue claps when they get to the bottom, and they do it over and over and over again!
Wild and free

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